Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you find it as pleasing as a ride upon our well maintained fifty miles of dirt roads that wind between our scenic farms, fields and forests.
We invite you to one of our regularly scheduled township business meetings, usually held on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 PM. (changes will be posted in the newspaper, on our news/weather page, and posted at the building.) Meet the Supervisors, Chairman Kurt D. Lafy, John Smith, who also serves as the townships Roadmaster, and Aaron Holdren; and let us know your thoughts. Or talk to our Township Secretary, Lori Kepner, to learn more about this wonderful place we proudly call home.
post date: July 2017, end date: ongoing With the completion of our facilities, the Board of Supervisors would like to add ambient displays to the walls of our meeting room that reflect the history and heritage of the township. To that end, the board is soliciting a project that encompasses all the aspiring aspects of our township. It is our hope that they could and will include both images of olden days and present-day treasures; the abundance of wildlife in our fields and woods, scenic vistas within the township, homesteads or farmsteads that garnish our countryside. Anything that enhances our local heritage.
Photos, photo copies, or documents may be submitted by e- mailing your entries to: or mail to Sheshequin Township, 1774 N. Middle Rd., Ulster, PA 18850. Entries can also be delivered to the township building during open office hours on Monday and Thursday from 1:30 – 5:30 PM. Any questions, please contact Lori Kepner, township secretary, at 570-358-3222, and/or leave a message. Submissions will be accepted by the Board based on quality, diversity, and point of interest. We are hoping many of you will contribute to this visual project documenting our township’s heritage. For clarity and credit, please include as much information for each entry as possible. Entries will remain the property of the submitter unless otherwise specified. All photo adaptations i.e. copying, sizing and framing will be assumed by the township.
The Board of Supervisors of Sheshequin Township would like to extend a vote of appreciation to all participants in our endeavor to capture and preserve our encompassing heritage.
Meetings are open to all; please consider attending to share your thoughts or concerns. Alternately, you may send an email to or complete the form below: