Sheshequin Township Planning Commission
Draft 12/07/05 Meeting Minutes

Members present: Eric Matthews, Greg Grenier, Rob Sweppenheiser, Laura Blain, Bryce Sheffler; absent: Skip Smith, Karen Graber, Eugene Weisbrod.

Visitors: Malin Martin

President Eric Matthews called the meeting to order at 7:00.

Approval of minutes: A Sweppenheiser/Grenier motion was passed to accept the November minutes.

Public comment and questions: None.

Communications: None recieved. Rob Sweppenheiser reminded us of workshops on septic systems being offered by the Conservation District, with one this Monday.

Old Business:
·Scott and Laura Shores Subdivision: regarding Planning Commission questions about why there was a perc test if no building is currently planned, Trish Benish explained that the sanitation department is discouraging permits leaving ag lots when in the future, development is possible.
   In response to questions about the stream crossing, Trish Benish stated that Brad Cummings will issue a letter that no permit is necessary because they are not disturbing the stream. This explanation did not alleviate the planning commission’s concern, that based on state requirements, ANY development, including the footprint of a sandmound, requires a 50' setback. Rob will call Mary at BCSC to ask if the site is outside the 50' setback, and will also discuss it with Brad Cummings. A Matthews/Sheffler motion passed to inform the supervisors that there are concerns about the 50' setback relative to the stream crossing on the Scott & Laura Shores subdivision.none.

Road Plan: tabled.

New Business:
· Richard and Katie Ann SinkSubdivision: Trish Benish had informed Charlotte that the county already approved the plan, and a delay seemed to be caused by the township not sending in a comment form. This may have been an oversight due to transition of secretaries; in any event, we would like to stress to the Supervisors the importance of sending in comment forms as quickly as possible.
· Brennan Family Trust Subdivision- It was noted that because this subdivision is partially in both Sheshequin and Athens Townships, Athens will be requesting comment from Sheshequin. A Grenier/Sweppenheiser motion passed to recommend approval on the Brennan Family Trust subdivision.
  · Norman & Glenda Shores Subdivision - A Sheffler/Sweppenheiser motion was passed to recommend approval of the Norman & Glenda Shores subdivision pending receipt of proper sewer modules.

Comprehensive Plan:
· Josh Brown was not at this meeting, because he and his wife are expecting the imminent birth of their child.
· Josh expressed to Eric that he was very pleased with the turnout at the visioning meeting.
· It was noted that the feedback at that meeting, and the mini-surveys, reaffirmed findings of the original surveys.
· Herb Hewitt, a PA Farm Bureau Regional Organization Director, spoke with Eric Matthews and Greg Grenier at the visioning meeting. He offered to meet with the planning commission to discuss how the township and CAFO’s might co-exist, and how to include that in our plan. A Matthews/Grenier motion was passed to invite Herb Hewitt to the regularly scheduled planning meeting in February.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Laura H. Blain