Sheshequin Township Planning Commission
December 3, 2003 DRAFT Minutes
meeting location: Sheshequin Township Office
ATTENDANCE: Commission Members present: Rob Sweppenheiser Laura Blain, Marshall Fuller, Bob Whipple, Skip Smith, Eric Matthews; absent: Greg Grenier, Jody Stroud, Ty Reynard
Rob opened the meeting at 7:15 pm.
PRIOR MINUTES: Minutes from the prior meeting were distributed; a Fuller/Whipple motion was passed to approve the November 5, 2003 minutes.
Resignation: By letter to the Supervisors, Jody Stroud has resigned her position to the Planning Commission due to an impending move out of the township.
Comprehensive Plan: A letter from the Supervisors indicate they will be hiring Steve Polzella to assist with the township plan.
Driveway Permits: Laura sent the draft as promised, but no one has seen the ordinance advertised.
Logging / Stone Ordinances: Skip received draft copies of a timber harvesting ordinance and a separate ordinance for stone harvesting at the last township meeting, and he questioned who would be responsible for bonding. We would like copies of the ordinances to review, Laura will request a copy via email from Jon Foster.
Comprehensive Plan: Jody submitted an initial draft on Sheshequin demographics. Rob reported that 274 parcels out of 680 are in clean and green, and he is trying to get GIS maps of all parcels with land use and soil types. No one else completed the tasks assigned at the last meeting. Since we have just learned that the Supervisors have decided to hire Steve Polzella to assist in our plan, however, it is uncertain whether these assignments should still be pursued until after we consult with him.
There was also some discussion that because there are numerous concerns about "cafos" and "factory farms," it might be useful to have a meeting to discuss/define/identify/ and learn more about others in the area. (Roseville, Coreyland?) We might consider bringing in speakers for a public forum.
County Comp Plan:
The draft Laura received from Karen was passed along to Eric this evening.
Copier Access: Ty was expected at tonight's meeting, and should have had a key to provide access to the office for the copier. He did not attend, and we were unable to use the copier. An alternate plan needs to be established for those times he is not present.
Anticipating vacancies: Besides Jody's resignation, Marshall Fuller and Bob Whipple's terms are up and both indicated that they are not available to serve an additional term. Laura will continue her term, but is going to resign the secretarial position, having served since the beginning in that capacity. Therefore, the Supervisors need to be notified to appoint two new commission members for full terms, and one to complete Jody's term until Dec 2005. A number of names were suggested this evening, and Laura will review the surveys to list all who expressed an interest in serving. This list will be distributed to the commission immediately for vetting, then provided to the supervisors at their next meeting on December 8, so appointments can be made BEFORE our January meeting.
Communication between Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors: Eric will attend the December 8 meeting to discuss Commission issues, and ask that we be included on the agenda as a regular item in the future.
Odor Symposium: Rob has some information that there will be an "odor symposium" for municipal officials in Bradford County, and expects it to be held in January. We would like the supervisors to notify the planning commission when they receive notification of the date and time so we can send a representative.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm by a Smith/Matthews motion.
Next meeting: REORGANIZATION, January 7, 2003, 7:00pm