Sheshequin Township Planning Commission
01/07/04 DRAFT Meeting Minutes
Members present: Laura Blain, Greg Grenier, Eric Matthews, Ty Reynard, Bryce Sheffler, Skip Smith, Rob Sweppenheiser, Eugene Weisbrod
Visitors: Karen Graber-Wright, Tricia Benish, Steve Pazella (Bradford County Planning)
Rob Sweppenheiser called the meeting to order at 7:15. The first order of business was election of officers.
Ty Reynard nominated Rob Sweppenheiser for President, Rob declined.
A motion was made by Laura Blain, seconded by Rob Sweppenheiser to appoint Eric Matthews as president. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Ty Reynard, seconded by Greg Grenier, to appoint Rob Sweppenheiser as Vice President. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Eric Matthews, seconded by Laura Blain, to appoint Eugene Weisbrod as secretary. Motion passed unanimously.
Eric Matthews took the reins as president. The next order of business was to determine the future meeting date and time. Rob Sweppenheiser proposed meeting on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00. Following discussion, this was accepted unanimously by the members present. The next meeting will thus be February 4, 2004 at 7:00 at the township building.
Approval of minutes:
The proposed minutes were read and corrections were made. Laura Blain will generate corrected minutes. A motion was made by Ty Reynard, seconded by Rob Sweppenheiser, to accept the corrected minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
Public comment and questions:
Tricia Benish reviewed a subdivision for the Bruce Benish Survey number 200314, Donald E. and Marian H. Nickeson dated 12/14/03. Following discussion of the circumstances involved in the subdivision, a motion was made to accept the request and forward it to the township supervisors by Laura Blain, seconded by Rob Sweppenheiser. Motion passed unanimously.
Steve Pazella of the Bradford County Planning Commission spoke next. He informed us that Sheshequin township is on the waiting list and it will be about June 2004 before he works with us. Steve explained what the plan will entail - 7 chapters of factual data, 1 chapter of implementation data. Steve handed out some background information on comprehensive plans in Pennsylvania.
The commission members regretfully received the letter of resignation from Robert Whipple dated 1/6/03. A 4 year term vacancy now exists on the planning commission, to be filled by the township supervisors as they see fit.
Discussion was held about the letter dated 12/16/03 from J.P. Foster. A planning commission member will attend the next township supervisors meeting to ask why this letter was generated.
The letter from Janet Lundberg, township secretary, dated 1/7/04, was discussed.
A notice of a presentation from the Bradford County Conservation District was received and discussed. The subject is "The Municipality's Role in Agriculture and Farm Related Odors - What can be done?" Rob Sweppenheiser plans to attend this 2/18/04 symposium. Greg Grenier, Ty Reynard, and Laura Blain would also like to attend. We will finalize our attendance list at the next meeting.
Old Business:
The driveway permit ordinance is complete.
The Logging ordinance was discussed. It was proposed to add section 1D and 1E from the Stone ordinance to the Logging ordinance.
The Stone ordinance was discussed. No changes were proposed.
A motion was made by Skip Smith to pass both the upgraded logging and unchanged stone ordinances to the township supervisors to pass as they see fit. Seconded by Rob Sweppenheiser. Motion passed unanimously.
Comprehensive plan: Steve Pazella will send us a copy of a plan for a township that is already completed. We will work in future meetings to upgrade the plan received from Steve.
Eric Matthews passed the draft of the county comprehensive plan to Bryce Sheffler.
Copier access was discussed. A township supervisor is required to be present to have access to the room in which the copier resides. Ty Reynard will ask if the copier could be rolled out into the common area if no township supervisor plans to attend a meeting.
In order to improve communications between the planning commission and the township supervisors, each meeting we plan to identify a person or persons who will volunteer to attend the next township supervisor meeting.
New Business:
New members were introduced.
Reviewing ordinances: The Sheshequin township planning commission will continue to work through the township supervisors to enlist the aid of J.P. Foster. The planning commission would like to find a faster way to complete ordinance reviews. This requires further discussion to generate a firm action plan to bring to the township supervisors.
The meeting was adjourned.