Sheshequin Township Planning Commission
02/04/04 DRAFT Meeting Minutes

Members present: Greg Grenier, Eric Matthews, Ty Reynard, Bryce Sheffler , Skip Smith, Rob Sweppenheiser, Eugene Weisbrod; absent: Laura Blain

Eric Matthews called the meeting to order at 7:05.

The next meeting will be March 3, 2004 at 7:00 at the township building.

Approval of minutes:   Correction made to Karen Graber-Wright (not Braber-Wright). We still do not have a copy of the corrected minutes for the December meeting. A motion was made by Bryce Sheffler to accept the January minutes as corrected. Seconded by Eric Matthews. Motion passed unanimously.

Public comment and questions: None.

Visitors: Karen Graber-Wright , Larry Arnold, Roxanna Ayers

  · Letter Steve Polzella: Basic Planning Course and asking for a copy of our annual report (Section 207 "Conduct of Business" for the Planning Commission)
  · Bradford County Conservation: Farm Related Odors
  · Code Inspections, Inc. Formal Proposal Fees and Services dated 1/13/04.
  · Local Government Bulletin - Courses include "The ABC's of Land Use Management", "MPC made easy - the introduction and use of the Municipalities Planning Code".

Old Business:
  · A 4 year term vacancy now exists on the planning commission, to be filled by the township supervisors as they see fit. Gene to see this added to the agenda.
  · We need to pass the Tricia Benish subdivision paperwork on to the township supervisors. Gene to get this to Janet tomorrow.
  · A planning commission member will attend the next township supervisors meeting to ask why the letter dated 12/16/03 from J.P Foster was generated. Have Janet add this to the agenda.
  · We need to pass both the upgraded logging and unchanged stone ordinances to the township supervisors to pass as they see fit. Gene to check to see if he or Janet Lundberg has this. 358-3222 before noon.
  · Rob Sweppenheiser plans to attend the 2/18/04 farm odor symposium. Greg Grenier, Eric Matthews, and possibly Laura Blain would also like to attend.
  · Comprehensive plan: Steve Pazella will send us a copy of a plan for a township that is already completed. We will work in future meetings to upgrade the plan received from Steve. We have some questions about the limits of our resources and what they purchase from Steve. Gene needs to confirm with Janet that there is a physical contract between the Sheshequin township planning commission and Steve/Bradford County Planning Commission.
  · Eric Matthews passed the draft of the county comprehensive plan to Bryce Sheffler.
  · Will note if we needed copier access and it wasn't present. Also a question of how to access the building - Janet to add to the agenda of the township supervisor meeting.
  · In order to improve communications between the planning commission and the township supervisors, each meeting we plan to identify a person or persons who will volunteer to attend the next township supervisor meeting. Our attendee at the next meeting will be Ty Reynard.
  · The planning commission would like to find a faster way to complete ordinance reviews. This requires further discussion to generate a firm action plan to bring to the township supervisors.

New Business:
Jean Arnold Subdivision:
   Following discussion and review, a motion was made by Greg Grenier to forward this on to the township supervisors. Second by Rob Sweppenheiser. Motion passed unanimously.

James Smith Subdivision:
   Following discussion and review, it was seen that the sandmound encroaches upon the setback from the subdivision line. This needs to be discussed at the township supervisor's meeting. Gene will ask Janet to put this onto the agenda. A motion was made by Rob Sweppenheiser, seconded by Ty Reynard, that the Smith subdivision is recommended for approval pending the check on the sandmound encroachment on the property line.

Section 207 "Conduct of Business" for the Planning Commission . A motion was made by Rob Sweppenheiser to forward a compilation of our minutes for the last 12 months as our annual report. Seconded by Bryce Sheffler. Motion passed unanimously. We will ask Janet to compile this from her records. We also have 4 people interested in the training course offered by the Bradford County Planning Commission.

Statewide building code will take effect April 9, 2004.

It was noticed that there is a logging operation on the South Ghent Road. There appears to have been no driveway permit issued, however, there is no driveway being used at present although the potential exists for one to be "used". This should go onto the township supervisor's agenda as well.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:18.