Sheshequin Township Planning Commission
04/07/2004 DRAFT Meeting Minutes
Members present: Eric Matthews, Ty Reynard, Bryce Sheffler, Skip Smith, Rob Sweppenheiser, Eugene Weisbrod, Karen Graber-Wright; absent: Laura Blain, Greg Grenier
President Eric Matthews called the meeting to order at 7:00.
The next meeting will be May 5, 2004 at 7:00 at the township building.
Approval of minutes:
A Grenier/Reynard motion was passed to accept the March minutes as written.
Public comment and questions:
· Township Planning Association Membership - Sheshequin Township belongs. Janet does not have the password to gain access to the website resources. Janet was asked to look for a password or obtain a password.
Old Business:
· We are still looking for the advertisement of the stone and logging ordinances. Apparently there was a problem which required sending these back to the lawyer for fine-tuning.
· Comprehensive plan: Steve Pazella was to send us a copy of a completed plan for a township, but we have no record of receiving it. Gene to ask Janet to request a copy of the Bradford County Comprehensive Plan from Ray Stolinas and to follow up to confirm we are on the list for development of plans.
· Annual report - submitted at supervisor's meeting. Gene to check with Janet on any missing minutes.
· Township Planning commission requests a copy of the current Building Permit Ordinance.
· New website will be
New Business:
· Diana McCaughey Subdivision request. Smith/Graber-Wright motion to recommend acceptance of plan to Township Supervisors was passed.
· Ethics forms - all existing members must fill them out and bring to the next meeting.
· Lackawanna Junior College - course entitled "Community Planning" on June 2, 9, and 16 2004 from 6:00 to 9:30. Price is $75 per person. Reynard/Smith motion for Township Supervisors to pay fee for two Planning Commission members to attend, Eric Matthews and Gene Weisbrod, was passed. Laura Blain to be the alternate.
· Gene Weisbrod to get correct address for Township Supervisors office from Janet.
· Gene Weisbrod to request set of Township Supervisors minutes with agenda from Janet for each meeting.
· Group is to think about items to pursue in our comprehensive plan. Suggestions include a Township building, garage, salt shed, equipment, trucks, roads, etc.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.