Sheshequin Township Planning Commission
Draft 03/02/05 Meeting Minutes
Members: (present by asterisk) *Laura Blain, *Karen Graber-Wright, *Greg Grenier, *Eric Matthews, *Bryce Sheffler, *Skip Smith, *Rob Sweppenheiser, *Eugene Weisbrod; absent: Ty Reynard
Visitors: Josh Brown, Tom Calaman
President Eric Matthews called the meeting to order at 7:05. The next meeting will be April 6, 2005 at 7:00 at the Sheshequin Township Building.
Approval of minutes: A Blain/Sweppenheiser motion was passed to accept the February minutes.
Public comment and questions: Tom Calaman was present representing the Jeff and Rita Vandermark subdivision. A Smith/Grenier motion was passed to recommend forwarding the subdivision to the Township Supervisors.
Communications: A final reminder that the financial interest forms must be filled out by all Planning Commission members. Turn them in to Janet.
Old Business:
· Question raised in May 2004 if we should use "Sheshequin" in our mailing address. Laura is continuing to study and will bring a proposal forward. No update.
Road Plan: Laura and Bryce completed the development of a first draft road map - color-coded to indicate priorities and based on information provided by Roadmaster Place.
New Business: None
Comprehensive Plan:
· Janet provided a copy of all ordinances for Josh.
· Karen provided Josh with copies of the original citizen surveys.
· Janet should send the "Quick Reference" from the comprehensive plan to Ty, Bryce, and Karen (members not present at the meeting), plus keep a copy for herself and also copy the Township Supervisors.
· Janet provided a copy of the county comprehensive plan.
Greg will be attending the "Pa Preferred" program on 3/12.
The Planning Commission members present brainstormed a list of community assets for the comprehensive plan.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m.