Sheshequin Township Planning Commission
Draft 10/05/05 Meeting Minutes
Members present *Laura Blain, *Karen Graber, *Greg Grenier, *Eric Matthews, *Bryce Sheffler, *Skip Smith, *Eugene Weisbrod; absent: Rob Sweppenheiser Ty Reynard
Visitors: Josh Brown, Malin Martin
President Eric Matthews called the meeting to order at 7:00.
The next meeting will be November 2, 2005 at 7:00 at the Sheshequin Township Building.
Approval of minutes: A Blain/Grenier motion was passed to accept the September minutes "as corrected", with these changes: Change Graber-Wright to Graber, add "Planning Commission" to sentence under new business, add "Laura Blain volunteered to make copies of the Athens Township Comprehensive Plan for distribution."
Public comment and questions: None.
Communications: Copies of the Athens Township "Notice of Draft" Comprehensive Plan were provided by Laura.
Old Business:
· Sheshequin Township does have an Act 537 plan. The county needs a copy. The Township Supervisors were not aware of the need to follow up on three chlorine-based leachate treatment systems - Charles Miller 11/05, Bill Roberts 06/06, and one other that is approved but not installed.
· It was reported that Ty Reynard gave verbal notice of his desire to step down from the Planning Commission. At the Township Supervisor's meeting, he gave notice that he will resign in November from the Planning Commission due to moving from the Township. Suggestions for a replacement included Janet Lundberg.
Road Plan: None.
New Business:
Comprehensive Plan:
Prepared a PowerPoint presentation for the visioning meeting to be held on November 16th, 2005 at Trinket Hall.
Recommended that Josh ask Dick Allen for a photo.
Visioning meeting preparation will continue.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.