Sheshequin Township Planning Commission
Draft 04/05/06 Meeting Minutes
Members present: Laura Blain, Greg Grenier, Eric Matthews, Ron Rogers, Bryce Sheffler, Skip Smith, Rob Sweppenheiser, Eugene Weisbrod; absent: Karen Graber
Visitors: Malin Martin
President Eric Matthews called the meeting to order at 7:02.
The next meeting will be May 3, 2006 at 7:00 at the Sheshequin Township Building.
Approval of minutes: March meeting minutes were not available for approval.
Public comment and questions: No comments or questions.
Communications: Email on eminent domain legislation.
Old Business:
· Ethics forms were completed per request of Township secretary Charlotte.
Road Plan: Future business will be to develop a 5 year road plan.
New Business: None.
Comprehensive Plan: Josh Brown presented the future land use area designation exercise. How will land be used in the next 10 years in Sheshequin Township?
· Don Hauser was at the regular township meeting on 3/13/06 with his subdivision. He is subdividing land that is in both Wysox and Sheshequin townships. He is not building in Sheshequin township. Eric, Skip, Ron, and Laura all saw his plan and no opposition was made.
· An approval letter from DEP was received for the most recent subdivision.
· No new subdivisions.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m.