Sheshequin Township Planning Commission
Draft 08/02/06 Meeting Minutes
Members: (present by asterisk) *Laura Blain *Eric Matthews *Bryce Sheffler *Rob Sweppenheiser *Eugene Weisbrod; absent: Karen Graber, Greg Grenier, Skip Smith, Ron Rogers
Visitors: Malin Martin
President Eric Matthews called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m..
The next meeting will be September 6, 2006 at 7:00 at the Sheshequin Township Building.
Approval of minutes: July Minutes were passed as written by a Sweppenheiser/Matthews motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Public comment and questions: None
· Laura sent some excerpts from PSATS. (see below)
· The workshop on “The Official Map” was discussed. It is in Williamsport on 8/16 or Wilkes-Barre on 8/17. If interested, bring it up at the meeting of the Township Supervisors.
· A workshop on “Duties of a Planning Commission” is available 10/3 in Williamsport. If interested, please contact the Township Supervisors.
Comprehensive Plan: Josh Brown handed out updated future land use maps. Some changes were suggested and captured by Josh.
A long discussion of existing low flow treatment systems was held. Josh tracked down some information for us. Basically, the Township Supervisors need to communicate with the landowners requesting their monthly test results and copies of any DEP communications. Josh informed us that the county is in the process of preparing an ordinance on these systems, as they do not appear to be covered under any existing ordinance. There should be a $ 500 per installed system escrow payment made to the township.
New Business: None
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:59 p.m. by a Blain/Weisbrod motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Selected PSATS notices from the past month
7/7/06 - STATE HOUSE MEMBER INTRODUCES LEGISLATION TO ENCOURAGE CONSERVATION PRACTICES -- According to press reports, State Rep. Jerry Stern (R-Blair) has introduced legislation that would help PA farmers afford improved conservation practices. The proposal, the Pennsylvania Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Tax Credit Program, would provide tax credits for private investment in the implementations of a variety of proven and cost-effective best management practices, including improvements to barnyards, pastures and riparian corridors, development and implementation of nutrient management plans, remediation of legacy sediments and other approved practices.
Credits will be available for personal and corporate income tax, the Capital Stock and Franchise Tax and Sales and Use Tax. Qualified applicants will receive a tax credit of 25 percent to 75 percent of the project cost, depending on the practice implemented. Other elements of the program provide that tax credits may be sold to other entities and for business or individual sponsorship of a project installed by a landowner. Tax credits may be carried over for maximum of 15 years.
7/14/06 - HOUSE PASSES FLOOD MITIGATION BILLS -- According to press reports, the state House has passed a four-bill package of legislation that would help people better prepare for a flood disaster. This package of bills includes legislation that would enhance storm water management and flood mitigation projects by empowering local governments and the Commonwealth to acquire properties in flood prone areas; create a voter referendum to authorize grant funding for the preservation of land for open space uses and flood mitigation purposes; create a small Disaster Assistance Fund program to provide low-interest loans and grants to homeowners, businesses and municipal governments; and create a Flood Insurance Premium Assistance Program to encourage Pennsylvania homeowners and businesses to purchase flood insurance. The bills now move to the Senate for consideration.
7/20/06 - GOVERNOR RENDELL ANNOUNCES PENNVEST FUNDING -- To help improve creeks and rivers, provide cleaner drinking water and help to revitalize communities, Governor Rendell recently announced $73 million in Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) funds. Of the money awarded, $69.6 million comes in the form of low-interest loans, while the additional $3.8 million is in the form of grants that will fund 22 clean water projects across Pennsylvania. The funds are disbursed on a reimbursement basis, any project costs incurred by the recipient will be submitted to PENNVEST for payment.
7/21/06 - STATE TO PAY LOCAL PORTION OF FLOOD AID -- In response to severe flooding across PA, Governor Rendell has announced that the state will assist cities and towns by paying the 25 percent local portion required in order receive federal aid. Twenty-four counties have been declared federal disaster areas.
8/1/06 - HOUSE BILL INTRODUCED TO BENEFIT CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS -- State Rep. Scott Petri (R-Bucks) has introduced HB 2754, which would help volunteer youth athletic and firefighter organizations by exempting them from the requirements of the state's Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes Act . Under the bill, organizations identified as youth athletic or volunteer firefighter organizations, which rely on unpaid volunteers to perform all of their fundraising, would be exempt from the burdens of paperwork required under the act. This would allow volunteers to spend more time mentoring youth or protecting communities instead of completing forms for fundraising events they held. The proposal is currently being reviewed by the House Consumer Affairs Committee.