Sheshequin Township Planning Commission
Draft 1/03/07 Meeting Minutes

Members: (present by asterisk) *Laura Blain, *Karen Graber, *Eric Matthews, *Rob Sweppenheiser, *Eugene Weisbrod; (absent: Ron Rogers, Greg Grenier, Bryce Sheffler, Skip Smith)

Visitors: Malin Martin, Ray Stolinas

Chair, Eric Matthews called the meeting to order at 7:14 p.m.

The next meeting will be February 7, 2007 at 7:00 at the Sheshequin Township Building.

Election of Officers:
· Chairman: Eugene Weisbrod MOTION: Matthews SECOND: Blain
· Vice-Chair: Laura Blain MOTION Matthews SECOND: Sweppenheiser
· Secretary: Karen Graber MOTION: Blain SECOND: Matthews
· All MOTIONS for election of Officers passed unanimously.

Approval of minutes: December Minutes were passed as written by a Blain/ Sweppenheiser MOTION. The MOTION passed unanimously.

Public comment and questions: None

Communications: PSATS Convention-Ron Rogers is already approved by the Township Supervisors to attend. The Supervisors have approved the Planning Commission to send a representative to the convention also. After a brief discussion it was recommended that Greg Greiner be the one to attend if possible. In the event that Greg cannot attend the convention, then Eugene Weisbrod will try to attend.

New Business:
· Meeting Schedule- the planning Commission meetings in 2007 shall remain as the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. with the exception of the month July, due to the holiday the meeting date shall be held on Thursday July 5, 2007.
· Future agenda- The Planning Commission intends to focus on the following items after the Sheshequin Comprehensive Plan is completed and adopted.
  1. Create a Road Plan
  2. Make updates to the comprehensive plan as necessary

Subdivisions: None

Comprehensive Plan: Since Josh Brown is no longer working for the Bradford County Planning Commission, Ray Stolinas of the County is continuing to assist us with the Sheshequin Comprehensive Plan. Ray handed out the draft plan along with samples of necessary letters and advertisements that Sheshequin needs to send out for the Comprehensive Plan adoption process. Public comments are to be sent to the attention of:
  Mr. Ray Stolinas
  Bradford County Planning Commission
  North Towanda Annex
  No.1 RD #1 Box 179A
  Towanda, PA 18848

After a brief discussion the following timeline was set for the Comprehensive Plan Advertising and Adoption Process:
  1. The Township shall advertise a public meeting for the input process for the Sheshequin Township Comprehensive Plan. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday February 7, 2007 to discuss this process as well as other business of the Planning Commission.
  2. The advertisements shall include that the forty-five (45) day Review and Comment Period will end on March 29, 2007.
  3. The advertisements shall include that the Planning Commission will review the public comments at the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday April 4, 2007.
  4. The Township Supervisors will advertise and hold a Public Hearing for the Sheshequin Township Comprehensive Plan on Monday April 9, 2007. This meeting needs to be advertised two (2) times prior to the Hearing, with the first advertising being during the last week in March and the second time being during the first week of April.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. by a Matthews/Sweppenheiser MOTION. The MOTION passed unanimously.
