Kurt D. Lafy, John Smith, Joseph Richter
Lori Kepner
Road Master:
John Smith
Road Crew:
Kyle Coe
Brandy Smith & Linda Gaskill
Tax Collector:
Anita Whipple
Paul Litwin
Sewage Enforcement:
North Central Sewage Agency,
PO Box 336, Lawrenceville, Pa 16929
Building Code:
Code Inspections, Inc., 268 Overton Road, Dushore, PA 18614
Emergency Management
Coordinator: Tonya Barnett (phone: 570-250-4519, email: )
During certain emergency situations, flooding, severe snow or ice storms, prolonged power outages during cold winter months, our township has two facilities that may be utilized as an emergency evacuation shelter or a warming center should the need arise. They are our own Township complex and the Ulster-Sheshequin Fire Station. If any of these emergency situations should happen, you can call either of these facilities to insure they are open. Depending on the size of the incident, one or both may be operational. The number for the Township complex is 570-358-3222 and the number for the Ulster-Sheshequin Fire Station is 570-358-3242
For general questions pertaining to either agency, contact the Fire Chief Gardner at 570-423-4516, or EMS Captain at 607-857-0282.
An important reminder to all residents regarding any burning other than in a burn barrel: call the Bradford County Dispatch Center at 570-265-9101 to report a controlled burn. You will have to listen to a short tape recording that explains that you are responsible for any damages should the fire get out of control and travel off your property. If you do not call and someone reports the fire, this brings out the fire department unnecessarily.